I am a program director at a supportive housing program in St. Louis, MO. We work with a very complicated and challenging population. Empower Me has been one of the few payees who has been able to be successful with our tenants. What impresses me the most about Empower Me is that they understand the people that they work with. They are flexible and meet tenants where they are at. They adjust services to the needs and limitations of each client, while ensuring that their monthly bills are being paid. They are responsive, client-centered and team worker.
Gretchen S.

Empower Me payee service have gone above and beyond all of my expectations with my clients. They have helped my clients with not only budgeting but helped them obtain reduced fare bus passes and other case management services and they have collaborated with me on the client's behalf. Empower Me payee services have taught my clients how to use their benefits and their money to move out of homelessness and maintain their housing. Empower Me payee services really cares about the client's well-being and how to help them become self-sufficient.
Tina B. (homeless outreach)

"I'm satisfied. I get the money I want. You guys take good care of me. I like you-I love you!"
Kevin M. (consumer)

Using Empower Me has reduced my stress levels immensely! My bills are paid on time, I avoid late charges and service fees. The staff is very knowledgeable, helpful & friendly. I highly recommend Empower Me!
Joni C. (consumer)

This organization is so appropriately named Empower Me, that's what Craig has done for me. I have always wanted to be financially stable and astute; I just didn't know how. In this modern-day social climate, it is hard to find a person you can trust, so I feel so blessed to have Craig as my financial consultant. He is a real gem! He is God sent! He is smart, attentive, level headed and no nonsense. He's helped me to do some difficult work on myself to become more stable. With the assistance I am receiving from Craig and Empower Me, I am becoming more and more financially balanced and self-sufficient. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Archie C. (consumer)